Grade 7-Lesson 5: Types of Computers

1. Supercomputer

Supercomputers are very expensive and are used for special purposes that require a large amounts of mathematical calculations (number crunching). For example, weather forecasting requires a supercomputer. Other uses of supercomputers scientific simulations, (animated) graphics, fluid dynamic calculations, nuclear energy research, electronic design, and analysis of geological data

As of June 2016, the fastest supercomputer in the world was the Sunway TaihuLight, in the city of Wixu in China.


Top supercomputers of recent years:

Year Supercomputer Peak speed
2016 Sunway TaihuLight 93.01 PFLOPS Wuxi, China
2013 NUDT Tianhe-2 33.86 PFLOPS Guangzhou, China
2012 Cray Titan 17.59 PFLOPS Oak Ridge, U.S.
2012 IBM Sequoia 17.17 PFLOPS Livermore, U.S.
2011 Fujitsu K computer 10.51 PFLOPS Kobe, Japan
2010 Tianhe-IA 2.566 PFLOPS Tianjin, China
2009 Cray Jaguar 1.759 PFLOPS Oak Ridge, U.S.
2008 IBM Roadrunner 1.026 PFLOPS Los Alamos, U.S.
1.105 PFLOPS

IBM Roadrunner Supercomputer (2008) cost US $133 million to build and takes up over 6,000 square feet.

2. Mainframe

Like supercomputers, mainframe are very fast large scale computer systems. Mainframes have a large number of terminals and peripheral devices because they are used simultaneously by hundreds (or even thousands) of persons. As a result, mainframes may be even larger than supercomputers. to meet the demands of the large number of users, they have a large memory and large storage capacity.

Three applications of the use of  a mainframe computer are:

  • in banks for processing customer accounts
  • by utility companies for processing telephone, water and electricity bills
  • by airlines for making flight arrangements


The chief difference between a supercomputer and a mainframe is that a supercomputer channels all its power into executing a few programs as fast as possible, whereas a mainframe uses its power to execute many programs concurrently.

3. Minicomputer

A minicomputer is a multiprocessing computer system that is smaller and slower than a mainframe. the term “mini” is a bit misleading, through, because minicomputers are still a lot larger than the PCs people have in their homes. Minicomputer support fewer users than mainframe (200 is the limit used in some  cases)

Two examples of the applications of a minicomputer are:

  • in networking, the operations in an automobile sales and service outlet
  • in manufacturing for inventory control, account and process control


4. Microcomputer

‘Microcomputer’ is a term used to refer to computers that contain a microprocessor. You know this type of computer by its more familiar name- the PC-Personal Computer. This is the type of computer that you are most likely to use. A microprocessor is a very small processor. this is in the form of a silicon chip like the Pentium processor. Microcomputers come in different types and sizes:

  • The desktop
  • The laptop or notebook

Three examples of the application of a microcomputer are:

  • in homes for recreation
  • in an office for producing documents and processing data, such as payroll, inventory and billing
  • for communication through the use of internet services

The types of computer that are stated above are the four main types of computer.

5. Embedded Computers

A specialized computer system that is part of a larger system or machine. Typically, an embedded system is housed on a single microprocessor board with the programs stored in ROM. Virtually all appliances that have a digital interface — watches, microwaves, VCRs, cars — utilize embedded systems.






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    1. You are welcome


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    1. You are welcome.


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