Grade 9: Lesson 11~Computer Threats and Network Security


  1.  Determine appropriately which security measure(s) is applicable for a given situation
  2. Cite whether a computer network security measures is either physical or logical


Network security is protection of the access to files and directories in a computer network against hacking, misuse and unauthorized changes to the system.


Methods of Securing Computer Network

The are ways to protect the computers and data that the computers hold.

  1. Firewall is a software utility or hardware device that acts as a filter for data entering or leaving a network or computer. A firewall works by blocking or restricting network ports, to prevent unauthorized access.
  2. Antivirus is alternatively referred to as antivirus software, AVS, antivir, or AV. An antivirus program is a software utility designed to protect your computer or network against computer viruses. If and when a virus is detected, the computer displays a warning asking what action should be done, often giving the options to remove, ignore, or move the file to the vault.
  3. Anti-spyware is similar to antivirus programs, anti-spyware programs help to block and prevent spyware and other malware infections on computers. Anti-spyware programs monitor incoming data from e-mail, websites, and downloads of files and stop spyware programs from getting a foothold in the computer operating system.
  4. Network monitors is the phrase used to describe a system that continuously monitors a network and notifies a network administrator though messaging systems (usually e-mail) when a device fails or an outage occurs. Network monitoring is usually performed through the use of software applications and tools.
  5. Training employees is the process of educating workers on how to safely use the network so that malware are not downloaded or spread across the network or to avoid other computer threats.
  6. Following policies (standard operating procedures) are documents consisting of step by step information on how to effective execute a task. Once these steps are following them the computer system or the network can be protected from threats.
  7. Locks- Computer locks are able to keep laptops and desktop computers secured to the desks so that persons cannot steal any component from the computer. 
  8. Security guard is a person whose job is to guard a place (such as a store or museum) and make sure the people and things in it are not harmed.
  9. Surveillance camera is a video camera that is used to observe a location. It is connected to a recording device that can be used to check if unauthorized persons are gaining access to a building or room.
  10. Motion Detector or sensor is a device that detects physical movement on a device or within an environment. It has the ability to detect and capture physical and or kinetic movements in real time.
  11. Keypad or security keypad is a device with a set of buttons or keys bearing digits, symbols and/or alphabetical letters placed in order on a pad, that is used to enter codes to gain access to a place or safe.
  12. When referring to computers and security, biometrics is the identification of a person by the measurement of their biological features. For example, a user identifying themselves to a computer or building by their fingerprint or voice is considered a biometrics identification.
  13. Encryption is the process of encoding a message so that it can be read only by the sender and the intended recipient.
  14. Username and Password- A username is a name that uniquely identifies someone on a computer system. This is usually paired with a password. This username/password is referred to as a login. Passwords (string of characters used for authenticating a user on a computer system) are kept a secret so that no unauthorized person can access your computer system without entering the correct code with the correct username.
  15. Turnkey solutions-This is is a type of system that can be easily implemented into current business processes. A turnkey solution is pre-made and ready to be used as soon as it is installed. Installing turnkey solutions can allow a busiiness to function more efficiently. An advantages of having a good turnkey solution is protection against identity theft. Turnkey identity solutions can be installed into a business’ computer network in order to guard against identity theft and keep their networks more secure. Having a turnkey ID solution helps the business to protect against malware and viruses. The information  provide for social media sites will also be more secure, and the business can be alerted if there’s any suspicious activity on any of their accounts. 

Activity 1

State the security measure(s) that you would use for each situation.

  1. Hunter wants to ensure that no worm or virus comes onto his computer._______________________
  2. Phillips wants to send confidential information to his doctor however he does not want anyone to get the information.___________________________________
  3. Computer International Ltd realizes that its computers and accessories are going missing and it needs to find out  who is responsible for doing so.__________________________
  4. It was discovered that employees are downloading software on the work computers and causing viruses to go on the network. The IT manager needs to find a way to stop this from happening._______________________________________________
  5. The owner of the company wants to restrict personnel from going into the top security room and enable only allow himself and one other person to have access. He need a device that can allow him to enter a code or scan his fingerprint.___________________________________


Activity 2

State whether a computer network security measures is either physical or logical ( Indicate with a YES under the correct columns)

Computer Security Measures Physical

(Controlling access to buildings, rooms, areas and IT assets)


(Controlling access to computer networks, system files and data)

Security guards
Biometric systems
Motion detector
Username and Password



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