Grade 7: Lesson 16- Performing Basic Web Search

How to perform basic web search using search engines and URLs

How to upload and download files from different sources such as the internet



  • Explain the relationship between key terms (World Wide Web, website, webpage, hyperlink, web browser, URL and search engine)

Collaborate in group activities to gather, record or present information


Launch a web browser and inputting the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) in the address bar ( and search for the following information.

  • Which parish is the largest in Jamaica?
  • What is the highest mountain in Jamaica?
  • How many medals did Jamaica received in the Summer Olympics in 2008 and 2012?
  • The population of Jamaica is approximately…..?
  • What language throughout the Caribbean is spoken the most? How many people speak this language?
  • What is the tallest building in the Caribbean? Where is it? When was it built? How high is it?
  • What is the longest river in the Jamaica? How long is it? Where is it?


Second Discussion: Formulate ethical judgment when using the internet

  • What do you do on the internet? Are the activities that you do on the internet good/bad?
  • What is appropriate to put on the internet?

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