Grade 7: Lesson 17- Computer Ethics and Research


  • Define terms associated with computer ethics and its practice (ethics, moral, computer ethics, intellectual property right, plagiarism, trademark, copyright, etc.
  • Discuss moral and ethical practices in downloading and uploading online and offline information.

Hangman Game: Go to

Click on the British flag and click enter code. Play code: hfzcaabsifgc

Take note of the words identified.



Ethics – An area of study that deals with ideas about what is good and bad behavior. (from external sources)

Moral– Relating to what is right and wrong in human behavior. (individual’s perspective)

Computer Ethics–  A set of moral practices that governs the use of computer.

Intellectual Property Right- An exclusive right that a person or a company has to use its own plans or ideas without the worry of competition, at least for a specific period of time. These rights can include copyrights, patents, trademarks and trade secrets.

Plagiarism-  The act of using another person’s words or ideas without giving credit to that person.


Trademark – Something (such as a word) that identifies a particular company’s product and cannot be used by another company without permission.

Copyright – The legal right to be the only one to reproduce, publish, and sell a book, musical recording, etc., for a certain period of time .

Ethical practices that should be adhered to (followed) while using online and offline sources to gather information

  1. Make reference or give credit to the authors of published materials
  2. Do not copy someone else’s work and pretend it’s your own
  3. Never upload or forward information such as pictures, videos and audio to online sources without the permission of owner(s)


Intellectual Property “Crimes” Frequently Committed

  • Copying a software program onto another computer
  • Downloading songs from SoundCloud or a similar file-sharing program
  • Compiling a CD of favorite tunes and giving it to a friend
  • Sending a friend a poem without citing the author and the source where you found it
  • Using someone else’s words without attributing them properly (for example copying something from a book or the web for a school paper)
  • Copying a DVD

Class Activity

Create a scene using two or more of the terms (moral, ethics, computer ethics, intellectual property right, plagiarism, trademark, copyright, etc) and role play to show an understanding of the terms and their consequences. This will be done  in groups of four/five.




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