Grade 8 IT – Word Processing: Columns Practice

Teacher-Guided Practice Follow demonstrations in class to add and remove columns to the following document. Practice on your own! Download the document below and edit it according to the following instructions: 1.      Open the Columns – Self Practice document.2.       Scroll to page 33.       Select all of the text in the bulleted list below and format it as two columns. 4.      …

Grade 8 IT – Word Processing: Breaks Practice

Teacher-Guided Practice Download the following document and follow your teacher’s instructions to add and remove breaks as you practice in class. Practice on your own! Download the document below and edit it according to the following instructions: 1.       Open the Breaks-Self Practice document.2.      Scroll to the Revenue Projections section near the end of the document.3.      Remove the page break after the Quarter 2…

Grade 8 Information Technology 2023: System Requirements for Software Compatibility

Compatibility is the capacity for two systems to work together without having to be altered to do so.  For example, if word processor applications are compatible, the user should be able to open their document files in either product. Specification (specs) is descriptive information about hardware or software products. For example, the technical specifications of…

Grade 8 Information Technology 2023-Operating System

  Operating System (OS)   OS are a set of programs that monitor and co-ordinate software and hardware within a computer system. Operating systems are the most important programs and must be present in all computer systems for other programs to run. Examples of OS are Windows, UNIX, Linux, Unix, Mac OS and DOS. Functions…

GRADE 8 Information Technology 2023 – Lesson 7: Software

Every computer must have computer software in order to do certain tasks.  Software may be defined as programs on the computer.  Software is used to make the computer a useful tool. The two categories of software are: System Software Application Software   System Software is the category of programs/instructions designed to control and monitor the…

Grade 8 2023: Lesson 5 -Primary and Secondary Storage

Primary Storage This is a group of silicon chips that resides on the computer’s motherboard (main circuit board). Primary storage consists of two types of memory chips: RAM and ROM chips. A memory chip is an integrated circuit (IC) made up of millions of transistors and capacitors. RAM This chip is used to hold data…

Grade 8: Lesson 3- Central Processing Unit (CPU) and Unit of Storage 2023

Central Processing Unit (CPU) Watch the video below Answer the following questions The CPU is the computer hardware component that’s responsible for interpreting and executing most of the commands from the computer’s other hardware and software. It is used to manipulate data-is responsible for carrying out arithmetic and logic functions. It is seen as the…

Grade 8 Information Technology 2023 – Cloud Computing and Output Devices

Cloud Computing The practice of storing regularly used computer data (files) on multiple servers (computer) that can be accessed through the Internet. Data is not stored on your personal hard disk. Example, email accounts, dropbox and google drive OUTPUT DEVICES Output devices are equipment used to get information or any other response out of the…